The 40 Things I Own

The 40 Things I Own

I'm a longtime minimalist.


The beauty of minimalism is to simply own only that what adds value to your life and to cut out what doesn't.


By choosing voluntary simplicity, you’re extracting yourself from the consumerist hamster wheel.


You only need to own what you use every single day, what makes you money, or what you absolutely love.


I don't believe there's a formula or a certain number of items to have, but it can be a fun experiment to see how low you can go, like taking the 100 things challenge, so I've joined the fun, counted my belongings and, give or take, it's 40 things.

 “He who would travel happily must travel light.”

Antoine De Saint-Exupéry

capsule wardrobe

I travel and live ultralight, carry-on only, with a monochromatic capsule wardrobe, and one bag.


I only own my favorite things that I need.


Everything totals about 11 pounds (5 kgs) so I can always stay under any airlines' carry-on allowance, never check my bag, never use overhead bins, and my bag is never out of my sight or reach.


Traveling light is easier on your body and your mind.


You're free to walk around, to explore, to get immersed in your surroundings, without a suitcase ball and chain.


Traveling light gives you freedom.

What I Own

In my first two packing list articles, Travel in 11 Pounds and Minimalist Packing List, I've gone into detail about each with photos and descriptions, so check those for more info.


I've since swapped out some clothes and changed bags.


I now carry a cabin zero bag because it opens up flat so everything in it can stay organized and accessible without ever having to unpack!


This is a straight-up list of what I currently own that I have tried and tested, that have proved their value, space and weight many times over, and have ultimately allowed me to easily and comfortably dress, travel, work and live in any climate, season or country, year round.

 “I travel light; as light, that is, as a man can travel who will still carry his body around because of its sentimental value.”

Christopher Fry

things i own:

  1. bag
  2. tablet
  3. charger
  4. earbuds
  5. international adaptor
  6. passport
  7. bank cards
  8. boots
  9. shoes
  10. flip flops
  11. jacket
  12. hoodie
  13. t-shirt
  14. t-shirt
  15. t-shirt
  16. t-shirt
  17. dress
  18. leggings 
  19. jeans
  20. pants
  21. swimsuit
  22. underwear
  23. socks
  24. scarf
  25. hat
  26. buff
  27. glasses
  28. sunglasses
  29. nail clipper
  30. reusable qtip
  31. toothbrush
  32. toothpaste tabs
  33. crystal deodorant 
  34. solid perfume
  35. floss
  36. lunette cup
  37. re-usable bag
  38. shampoo bar
  39. facial soap bar
  40. facial oil bar

things i don't own:

Since I house sit full-time, there are several things I don't need to carry:


  • I don't carry physical or digital media since it can all be streamed, and homes always have plenty of entertainment, pets to love, and nature to be in.
  • I don't carry workout gear because I walk instead and for that I only need my body, which I usually have on me.

“Everything you own must be able to fit inside one suitcase; then your mind might be free.”

Charles Bukowski